1. Jack up the rear of the car and support on stands. Remove the road wheel.
2. Release the handbrake. Slacken off the brake shoe adjustment,- then remove the two retaining screws and withdraw the brake drum.
3. Prise the dust cap from the centre of the rear hub. Extract the split pin, unscrew the hub nut and remove the special thrust washer from the stub axle. Note that the nut at the left-hand hub assembly has a left-hand thread, as opposed to the normal right-hand thread at the righthand hub.
4. On 1275 GT models, withdraw the hub assembly from the stub axle. The bearings will normally come away with the hub. Remove the bearing inner race and roller assembly from the outer end of the hub bore. Also remove the spacer ring fitted between the bearings. Extract the oil seal from the inboard end of the hub bore and withdraw the inner bearing inner race and roller assembly. Drive out the bearing outer races from the hub bore.
5. On other models, a hub puller will probably be required to withdraw the hub assembly from the stub axle. Drift out the inner race of each of two bearings and remove the spacer ring fitted between the bearings. The oil seal at the inboard end of the hub. will be driven out with the inner bearing. Drive out the bearing inner races from the hub bore.
6. Clean all old grease, etc., from the hub bore.
7. Pack the new bearings with suitable High-melting point grease.
8. On 1275 GT models, tap the outer races of the new bearings into position in the hub bore, bearing only on their outer edge. Ensure that the races are correctly seated. Install the bearing inner race and roller assemblies in the hub with the spacer ring between them. Lubricate the new oil seal and install it at the inner end of the hub bore with the sealing lip away from the bearing.
9. On other models, install the new bearings in the hub with the spacer ring between them. Tap the bearings squarely into position, bearing only on the outer race. Lubricate the new oil seal and install it at the inner end of the hub bore with the sealing lip facing towards the inner bearing.
10. The oil seal can normally be installed by pressing it into position by hand, or by tapping gently on its outer edge.
11. Assemble the hub on the stub axle and fit the thrust washer and hub nut. The thrust washer must be fitted with its chambered bore towards the bearing.
12. Tighten the hub nut to 60 lb ft (8.3 kg m), not forgetting that a left-hand thread is used at the left-hand hub. Align the nut to the next split pin hole, if necessary, then secure the nut with a new split pin.
13. Refit the dust cap to the hub, but do not fill the cap with grease.
14. Refit the brake drum and adjust the brake shoes, then fit the road wheel and lower the car onto its wheels.